Friday, 28 September 2012

Why YOU should become a member!!

Hi Dubbles! Adamu here! This is a scoop about….. Why YOU (YES YOU!) should become a member if you are not already!
First of all let’s start by saying that being a member is SOOOOO cool! I love being a member! If you are a member you can go to AWESOME AS planets like water planet: 

AND Motorway planet: 

They are soo cool, BEST PLANETS EVER!! In the member planets you can play the funnest games and even collect GOLD, yes gold!
It’s so cool because in Park Stage there is a V.I.P. area (members only) it’s so cool. Very very very well design I love hanging out there, it is so relaxing!

You also receive 125 gold coins every week! With those gold coins you can buy the best clothes, eyes, jetpack, furniture, accessories, pets, handheld items, potions, cars, electronics and more! That will make your Dubble stand out from other Dubbles and go everywhere with super-duper style! PLUS: Cubees always update the shops and planets so you can always buy new stuff in shops!


Please please become a member! These are just a few of the things that a member Dubble can do, and I am sure there will always be new cooler things! Being a member it’s so cool that you won’t believe how much more fun it is! I absolutely love being a member and I am sure you will too :)

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Chek it out!

Hey Dubbles! Check out this cool collage that I made of Genaya7 and I!  Genaya and I have also made a blog! Its real cool! Have fun exploring! 

-Adamu xx

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Making new friends is cool!

Hey Dubbles! How are ya? Makin new friends is always important! Make sure to be friendly!



Saturday, 22 September 2012

Monday, 17 September 2012

Like the music?

Hey Dubbles! Do you guys like the music? If you cant hear it then turn on the speakers! If you want more music then please comment on the chatbox (on your right), you dont have to put ur email adress u can just leave it blank. Please tell me what music u like!


Thursday, 13 September 2012


Sorry for the late update! Hi Dubbles! there are new cars! I have bought every single one except one, they are soo cool! This is one other reason why u should become a member!
Genaya and I were trying them out and they work really well! Get yours nowwwww!!


Tuesday, 11 September 2012

A little tip!

How to change ur favicon7avatear in a tumblr blog! 

First log in, the you will see this:  Click where the red circle is
Then you will see this: Click your blog title!

                                                                                             Then click Change Avatar

Then click browse and choose ur image!! Done!

Friday, 7 September 2012

It's always a good time!

 Hey Dubbles! Sorry for not updating much!
Recently I went over to parkstage and and found some of my awesome as buddies! We found out there were cool new beats and we played with potions as well. We also saw some fireworks, my favourite were the olympic ones  :)
(Click on pics to make them bigger)


Saturday, 1 September 2012

Thanks you so so much!

Hi Dubbles! OMG We reached  4000 pageviews thanks you to all who read my blog. To those who read occasionally, to those who read all the time. I could not have done it with out u! I have been doing this for nearly a year and the best thing about it is..... YOU, that I know that you are enjoying it.

Lots of love,
